Building a business and raising a family is no easy feat, but owning an Apollo Care franchise has allowed me to do both!

Apollo Care Franchising Success Story Suzanne Janvier

Suzanne has owned the South Wirral branch of Apollo Care since 2013 and is also the registered manager. At the time, Suzanne was a single parent who was looking for a way to build a future for her family. Lucky for her, she didn’t have to look too far for the opportunity.

A close friend of Cheryl White, Suzanne was already working for Apollo Care when it was just a single branch. When Cheryl decided to franchise Apollo Care, she invited Suzanne to consider buying and setting up Apollo Care South Wirral. Throughout the process, Suzanne notes that Cheryl was a great support to Suzanne, encouraging her every step of the way.

It’s not always been plain sailing. Suzanne acknowledges that operating a business can be one of the most stressful experiences a person can endure. Having to juggle parenting with being the sole proprietor of a new business during the set-up phase demanded a lot of inner resources and resilience.

Suzanne credits the Apollo team with giving her the boost she needed to come through the challenging moments, and Suzanne has found the friendship of Cheryl to be invaluable. The two women remain, good friends, five years down the line, as Cheryl is always on-hand for a coffee and a chat.

At one point I was ready to give up completely, but the team helped and guided me, putting processes in place to help me. I am glad to say I didn’t give up and have come through the other side.” – Suzanne

The hard work is now paying off. With a growing business, a growing reputation and excellent staff, Suzanne is finding the much-needed time for her children and the confidence that comes from being your own boss, creating your own timetable and heading up your business. She has aspirations to expand her portfolio by taking on new territory and increasing the range of services she offers under Apollo Care.

This is now the highlight, as I have my own business, a single mum and the TIME to spend with my children and provide an income whilst choosing the hours I work.” – Suzanne

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